ATOMEGA Gameplay - I Am The Giant OMEGA! - Grow, Fight, Collect - Atomega Multiplayer Gameplay Pt 1 ─ Draegast

Welcome to a game called Atomega. Atomega is an arena FPS game that plays kind of like an IO game where you have to eat voxels to evolve your unit to be bigger and stronger. In this episode I check out the game with some fellow Youtubers and become the largest unit possible, the Omega. I hope you enjoyed this episode of Atomega, thanks for watching and liking.

Atomega Download:

Grow, fight, collect and evade in the last cosmic arena the very end of time. Acquire MASS to evolve your EXOFORM from the nimble ATOM to the godlike OMEGA and compete for fun and dominance in a fast-paced, multiplayer shooter. ATOMEGA™ !

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Intro: Odd Chap: Sound 102

Outro: JAWN

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