Welcome to Arrow Heads! Arrow Heads is a competitive arena archery game where your job is to be the last one alive and take out all the competition with your bow and special abilities. So we're back out with the crew to see who is the best crazy archer. I hope you enjoyed this episode of Arrow Heads, thank you for watching and liking.
Check out the other Arrow Heads:
Blitz: http://bit.ly/BlitzYT
Baron: http://bit.ly/BaronVGYT
Doom: http://bit.ly/DoomDiniYT
Arrow Heads on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/580...
Grab your friends, neighbors, extended family and that handsome cashier from the grocery store and get ready for some sweet, award-winning, couch and online multiplayer. With your trusty bow, shoot, dodge and deflect arrows in this zany isometric archery game.
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Intro: Odd Chap: Sound 102
Outro: JAWN
Arrow Heads - Competitive Arena Archery! - Archery Meets Smash Bros - Arrow Heads Gameplay ─ Draegast
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