SO MANY CRASHED SHIPS! - Exploring The Secrets of Our World - Astroneer Gameplay ─ Draegast

Welcome back to Astroneer! Today we're out exploring our barren Astroneer world and we quickly find there is a lot going on on the surface of this planet. I hope you enjoyed this episode of Astroneer, thank you for watching and liking.

More Astroneer Gameplay:

About Astroneer:

Explore and reshape distant worlds! Astroneer is set during a 25th century gold rush where players must explore the frontiers of outer space, risking their lives in harsh environments for the chance of striking it rich.

On this adventure, a player’s most useful tool is their ability to shape their world, altering the terrain and extracting valuable resources from planets, and moons. Resources can be traded or crafted into new tools, vehicles, and modules to create everything from massive industrial bases to mobile rover bases.

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Intro: Odd Chap: Jams
Outro: JAWN

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