Jurassic World Evolution - Dinosaur Fights, Escapes & Park Building - JWE 1 Hour Summarized Gameplay ─ Draegast

Welcome to my Jurassic World Evolution Gameplay! In this video of Jurassic World Evolution I create 4 different Dinosaurs, go on fossil expeditions, begin building a park and most importantly let the dinosaurs interact with eachother as well as fellow visitors.

Jurassic World Evolution is an upcoming Dinosaur Park Management game developed by Frontier Developments. The game revolves around the Jurassic World universe where you are in control of the park and you choose what happens! This is a summarized video of the 1 hour I had to check out this awesome game. I hope you enjoyed this episode of Jurassic World Evolution, thank you for watching and liking.

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Intro: Odd Chap: Jams
Outro: Odd Chap: Chicago Swing

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