If Famous People Played Minecraft #2 ─ ExplodingTNT

If Famous People Played Minecraft #2
Over a year after the first 'If Famous People Played Minecraft'... it's time to see more celebrities play it. This time a wide range of famous people, including musicians like Drake, streamers like Ninja, and even people that vlog in forests!

Hope you enjoyed! If you did, make sure to leave a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss any future videos! Leave your video suggestions in the comments and you may be featured in the next one!

Actors: creeper321448, Madison_Madison, Roch, steinbulf, Impness, ThisIsJustPie, SpookehMonkeh, Bacon_Guy_Derp, _ProGamerPlayz_

Who is your favorite celebrity right now? Was he/she in the video? Do you want to see a part 3 with them?

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExplodingTNT
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/X3KYbC

Music: http://www.epidemicsound.com/

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