Top 10 Best CLASSIC Reboot Moments
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The Reboot reboot may have made a few... mistakes but don't worry, WatchMojo is here to bring you the best moments from the REAL Reboot. For this list, we're not looking at the best Reboot games or best Reboot episodes, we're focusing on the best moments that happened throughout the original series. This include all the episodes of Reboot as well as the made for TV movies. This was a difficult list to rank, but we hope you like our picks for the best moments from Reboot!
List Rank and Entries
#10. AndrAla vs Infected Guardian
#9. The "Evil Dead" Cabin
#8. Megabyte and Hexadecimal Merging Into Gigabyte
#7. Megabyte Launches Bob Into the Web
#6. Matrix Fights Megabyte
#5. Matrix Reunites with Bob
#4. Megabyte and Bob Guitar Duel
#3, #2 & #1: ?
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Top 10 Best CLASSIC Reboot Moments ─
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