Top 10 Movies that Bombed so Hard They Had to Cancel the Sequel ─

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Top 10 Movies that Bombed so Hard They Had to Cancel the Sequel
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These movies failed so badly they killed their own franchise. From Battlefield Earth, to Amazing Spider-man 2, to Batman and Robin, there are plenty of movies that tanked enough to squander all chances of a success. WatchMojo counts down the top movies that flopped so hard they had to cancel the sequel.

Looking for more movie trivia? Check out our other videos of the Top 10 Billion Dollar Box Office Movies:, Top 10 Movies That Flopped At The Box Office:, and Top 10 Critically Acclaimed Movies that Bombed at the Box Office.

#10. “Battlefield Earth” (2000)
#9. “The Amazing SpiderMan 2” (2014)
#8. “Batman & Robin” (1997)
#7. “Fantastic Four” (2015)
#6. “Terminator Genisys” (2015)
#5. “The Mortal Instruments City of Bones” (2013)
#4. “Superman Returns” (2006)
#3, #2, #1???

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