❉ Thrift With Me 3 ❉
Helloooo hooligans!! Welcome back to another thrifting video on my channel! You guys seem to love my thrift store videos so I'm back with another one. This time I went to a local Value Village to pick up some thrifty finds. We found some bougie name brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Polo Ralph Lauren, Quiksilver, and a lot of other brands that I don't actually remember. Also if you stayed till the end, let me know why you think those shoes ended up at the thrift store. I'm still so confused and think about that at least once a day. Like maybe a family had quintuplets and all bought the same shoes but never ended up wearing them. idk idk. Also stay tuned for a thrift flip video coming soon!
Hey peeps, let's be friends:
❉Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: @jenerationdiy
❉Snapchat: jeneration_diy
Vlog/2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEDy...
My last video: First Day of College Day in My Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pxkp...
-What I've Been Looking For Instumental - High School Musical
Camera: Canon 80D https://go.magik.ly/ml/ex1l/
Camera Lens: Sigma 30mm f/1.4 https://go.magik.ly/ml/ex1q/
Editing Program: Final Cut Pro X
For business enquiries, please email jenerationdiy@addition-llc.com
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Come Thrift With Me! + Thrift Store Haul | JENerationDIY ─ JENerationDIY

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