Our Top 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 Moments ─ WatchMojo.com

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Our Top 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 Moments
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Over on MojoPlays, our reviewer Dave has been playing through Red Dead Redemption 2 nonstop! So for this list, he's compiled his Top 10 Personal Moments of Red Dead Redemption 2. Do note that this isn't a list of the Top 10 missions, since we know that not everyone has finished the game yet, that'll come later.

Check out these other great videos:
Red Dead Redemption 2 Spoiler Free Review - https://youtu.be/10w_PhH4RUs
Top 10 Red Dead Redemption Moments - https://youtu.be/5AD3QtvYNdM
Greatest Video Game Ending of All Time - Red Dead Redemption - https://youtu.be/MYuRlmlv0EQ

List Entries and Rank:
10) Fear The White Cougar
9) Non lethal method of dealing with an O'Driscoll thug
8) Ok, clearly not a toy boat
7) Playing Poker is fun… Wait. What was I doing again?
6) The Prison Rescue
5) But you said I could have it!
4) Wanted for… Walking past an Officer?
3, 2 & 1: ?

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