2018 Top Songs SING OFF Mashup (vs. my sister ) | JENerationDIY ─ JENerationDIY

❉ 2018 Top Hits Mashup Cover Sing Off ❉

wadduupppp my sister Jane and I decided to do another top song mashup to celebrate the end of 2018. What was your favorite song of 2018??

2017 sing off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcOHm...

waddup hooligans, let's be friends:
❉Instagram/Twitter/Facebook: @jenerationdiy
❉Snapchat: jeneration_diy

Vlog/2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEDy...

Camera: Canon 80D
Camera Lens: Sigma 30mm f/1.4
Editing Program: Final Cut Pro X

For business enquiries, please email [email protected]

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