$10,000 OF LOST AIRPORT LUGGAGE!! (Buying $10,000 Lost Luggage Mystery Auction) ─ JustDustin

I Bought $10,000 Lost Luggage at an Auction and Found This… Buying Lost Luggage Mystery Auction $10,000 and donating it. What's inside you won't believe is lost at the auction!

TRAV: https://youtu.be/gkR5kxomvA4

I Bought $1000 Lost Luggage at a Storage Unit Auction and Found This… (Buying Lost Luggage Auction)
I Bought $1000 Lost Luggage at an Auction and Found This… (Buying Lost Luggage Mystery Auction)
I Bought $1000 Lost Luggage at an Auction and Found This… (Buying Lost Luggage Mystery Auction)

Video edited by: @jeremysevillano


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