Top 10 Best Celebrity April's Fool Day Pranks ─

These celebrity pranks are AMAZING! Who doesn't love a good April Fools joke, especially from the best celebrity pranksters? From Ellen pranking her audience to Joe Jonas' sonogram gag, these funny celebrity April Fools pranks leave us in stitches. Join WatchMojo as we count down the most hilarious pranks played by celebs on April Fools Day! Are you a fan of April Fools' jokes? Tell us about the best one you've ever pulled in the comments!

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Top 10 Celebrity Pranks:
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Top 10 HILARIOUS Pranks Pulled on Celebs:

10. Ellen DeGeneres Braces Herself
9. Michael Phelps Fools His Fans
8. Sir Richard Branson's Total Temperature Control
7. Joe Jonas Shares a Sonogram
6. Tom Brady Wears a Body Cast
5. LinManuel Miranda Announces Plans to Make a Musical of "The Room"
4. David F. Sandberg Releases a Trailer for Shazam
3, 2 & 1???

#AprilFoolsDay #Pranks #AprilFool

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